Never missing a beat

From the First Moment

Jewish National Fund-USA’s response to the October 7 massacre

JNF-USA Editors

From the First Moment
Volunteers organize supplies for evacuated Israelis
February 14, 2024 | Winter 2024 |

By the time we awoke on the morning of October 7, the scale of the horrific atrocities committed by Hamas in southern Israel was beginning to become clear. Over the following days, weeks, and even months, more details would emerge, more bodies would be identified, and even now as testimonies are collected, the true extent of the horrors of October 7 continues to be uncovered.  

Within hours Jewish National Fund-USA had already established a situation room in Israel on the day of the attacks, fielding incoming emergency calls from across the Negev. 

From border communities who have been our partners for decades asking for evacuation assistance to firefighters dealing with rocket attacks from Gaza needing specialized equipment, to rural communities suddenly swelling to twice or more their size struggling to house and feed the stream of displaced Israelis, every call was answered. 

Now, we look back on everything Jewish National Fund-USA accomplished since that horrific fateful day and our continued ongoing and evolving response. Yes, our Jewish world has changed, but thanks to your support, Jewish National Fund-USA has responded swiftly and effectively, and we are able to maintain this level of agility now and as we look towards the future 

Evacuating Residents 

Right away, the government of Israel declared that the communities within 2.5 miles of the Gaza border would need to evacuate. For decades we had been working with those communities, building a beautiful life, and we heard directly from the area municipalities and local leaders that conditions were desperate and unsafe. The population seeking safety numbered 70,000. 

Answering the call, in just one week Jewish National Fund-USA supported the evacuation of nearly 40,000 residents from border communities near Gaza. Thousands were relocated to hotels, homes, and campsites throughout the Arava region in central southern Israel, from Eilat to the Dead Sea, to Mitzpe Ramon and more. For some of these smaller towns, these evacuees have nearly doubled their populations overnight, requiring extensive financial and logistical support and we were there. 

We ensured that all evacuees received everything they needed, from beds with fresh linens to hot, nutritious meals, to basic toiletries and everyday necessities. Together with our partner communities across the Negev Desert, we ensured these war-weary families were received with warmth and abundance. 

Firefighting and Civil Defense 

From October 7 on, rockets have rained down across Israel causing extensive damage, explosions, and fires that could have easily gotten out of control. At the same time, there were widespread reports of terrorists hiding within Israeli cities functioning as potential sleeper cells to commit additional violence at any moment. Even as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) executed a highly successful search for these individuals, civil defense forces and firefighters remained on high alert and ready to defend.  

Jewish National Fund-USA provided Israeli firefighters and civil defense units with encrypted radios, bulletproof vests, helmets, flashlights, tactical clothing and fire wagons.  

We also supported the establishment of an emergency hub where Israeli civil defense volunteers were able to rapidly coordinate and organize civilian protective details for towns and roads both in Israel’s north and south.  

Our philanthropic investments in lifesaving infrastructure and apparatus proved to be key in the immediate moment. The Quick Response Search and Rescue Vehicles that Jewish National Fund-USA partners (donors) generously provided over the years became the number one vehicle used in search and rescue efforts on October 7 and since. Security cameras that we had installed in one of our communities in the Israel Envelope also identified approaching Hamas terrorists heading towards Israel in the days following October 7. Thanks to these high-quality cameras, the IDF was immediately alerted, and further attacks were prevented. 

Supplies for Soldiers 

As hundreds of thousands of Israelis were called up to serve on the northern and southern borders, we immediately got to work ensuring these men and women had what they needed to feel supported and secure in performing their duties.  

We began the collection and distribution of necessary goods, and spirit-lifting treats and meals to soldiers stationed across the nation. Key items included bottled water, cell phone chargers, new socks and underwear, snacks and nutrition bars, and much more. 

Respite, Resilience, and Trauma Support 

The evacuation of more than 100,000 Israelis from the north and south in the weeks immediately following October 7 left traumatized adults and children without any of the infrastructure necessary for normalcy.  

Recreational activities were organized for children across the evacuation sites, giving them a much-needed sense of routine and distraction and providing their parents with a moment of rest and reassurance.   

From horseback riding therapy to trauma-informed psychology sessions, we provided a range of mental health services to adults and children dealing with managing the horrors they had witnessed and the displacement they are experiencing. Jewish National Fund-USA has also partnered with parents and communities to build new schools and programs that meet their unique needs while providing education, a feeling of safety, and a sense of normalcy. 

Strengthening the Home Front 

As more Israelis were called up to army service, volunteer efforts began to take on a central role in ensuring the country’s food security. Fields of fruit and vegetables were left uncared for as many farmers and their workers had been killed on October 7, while others were evacuated far away with their families or called up to the army. We partnered with homefront organizations to provide volunteer labor and keep the nation’s fields tended and the country fed. More than 100,000 volunteers answered the call. 

Meanwhile, thousands of Israelis either could not evacuate or refused due to their age, medical condition, or other circumstances. Thus, volunteers went from house to house in multiple cities including Sderot, Ofakim, Kiryat Shmona, and across the north to deliver food, medical supplies, and care.  

In just the first two weeks, nearly 40,000 volunteers from Jewish National Fund-USA’s network were part of these vital activities. 

Operation Hug  

Many of those called up to combat were Lone Soliders, young people from around the world who moved to Israel, without any family, to serve in the IDF. We partnered with Nefesh B’Nefesh to support Operation Hug. Together, we are flying parents to be with their children during their service. 

Bolstering Small Businesses and Morale 

With tourism and commerce at a complete standstill, small businesses in the north and south were suffering the ripple effects of war. At the same time, evacuated families and soldiers serving in the IDF were in need, not just of basic supplies but of moral and emotional support.  

Jewish National Fund-USA brought these needs together by creating special gift boxes in our Mitzvah Marketplace, made up of Israeli small business products, and are being ordered by people all over the world and delivered to an individual, an evacuated family, or a soldier. This opportunity has brought countless smiles to the faces of proprietors whose businesses we are keeping afloat and recipients, including patients recovering in hospitals, knowing that we here, thousands of miles away, care and have their backs. 

Expanding Medical Care 

As the war expanded and more and more soldiers returned home wounded, it was “all hands on deck” at Jewish National Fund-USA’s Harvey & Gloria Kaylie Rehabilitation Medical Center in Ofakim—the only rehabilitation hospital in Israel’s entire southern region. To meet the growing and specific needs of the war, they began preparations to open a new emergency trauma ward to provide the best care to Israel’s wounded soldiers and civilians. In addition to offering care closer to many of their homes, the hospital will relieve the strain on facilities in Israel’s center, such as in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. 

A Great and Growing Need 

Within the first few weeks Jewish National Fund-USA was directly responsible for caring for 40,000 evacuees. As the war rages on, we continue to take their care—both physical and mental—seriously as a top priority for our organization. Israel continues to face a long road of recovery ahead, and we remain steadfastly hand-in-hand with our Jewish homeland and its people to meet each need and build a more prosperous future. We continue to support our Israeli family as the needs evolve. 

And in the U.S.: Supporting College Students Facing Rising Antisemitism 

Our work in assisting and supporting college students dealing with rampant antisemitism and anti-Zionism on their campuses has increased exponentially, and we immediately activated our network of partnerships to jump into action. Jewish National Fund-USA on Campus programming assisted thousands of students in the United States. Jewish National Fund-USA on Campus was involved in cases providing students with support to fight antisemitic incidents on campus, provided educational seminars, collaborated on vigils and rallies on campus and empowered students to fundraise for the Israel Resilience Campaign. 

The Jewish National Fund-USA on Campus microgrant program requests tripled. This program offers students financial assistance to create Israel solidarity events at their schools. We have supported leading national organizations on campus including the Israel on Campus Coalition, Students Supporting Israel, and Yavneh. A wide variety of events were held including solidarity Shabbats, peaceful vigils, and mental health programs for students on campus. 

The College Summit track at Global Conference proudly hosted 400 students from across the country to come together in support of Israel. Participants were able to connect with their peers in a safe space and learn from one another how to continue to advocate for Israel on campus today. 

Our young leaders aren’t just discussing though, they’re doing. Dozens of college students have signed up or participated in Alternative Winter Break and Alternative Spring Break by volunteering in Israel.  

College students continue to face disturbing, and sometimes violent, antisemitism on campus and Jewish National Fund-USA is committed to standing by their sides as we combat this age-old hatred. 

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