Robinson Report—August 2024


Welcome to The Robinson Report, an exclusive monthly newsletter from me to you. In every issue I attempt to deliver important updates and breaking news on our work, through your commitment, for the land and people of Israel.



I just returned from Israel where I spent significant time up North and observed the pain and challenges being faced by so many – those who are still there, those who want to move back home, and those who made the decision not to. Their raw emotions are still very much with me.


The truth is hard to absorb, yet amidst the heartache, I saw unbelievable opportunities to transform and reimagine the North’s future, fueled by the unimaginable strength and fortitude of the region’s people, all working together to figure it out. The North was always known as a place of shared societies. I can add they share a spirit for life.

Meeting with the Mayors



I spent 4 hours in a meeting with 40 mayors from across the North – Christian, Druze, Muslim and Jewish. I just listened.


No one is more upbeat about our future than me, yet this meeting was honestly heartbreaking. These northern communities are not receiving the right kind of help, if any. They are determined to bring people back and increase the population, provide education, security, medical services and so much more.


The reality is though that 14% of Kiryat Shmona’s inhabitants have made the decision to register as residents of other areas of the country while, based on a survey done, 46% more are likely to do so. Population drain is not what northern Israel needs to grow and prosper. We must help them to bring people back home and increase the population.


It is such a challenge. Of the 1,800 High School kids in Kiryat Shmona, 300+ 12th graders were told by the government that they don’t have classroom space for them so they should just educate themselves from their homes. They are spread among 526 different communities and at over 315 hotels across the country, from Tiberias in the North all the way to Eilat in the South.


You should know that many of these kids are already starting out in a lower socio-economic environment than many other places in the country, so the odds of them achieving academically are low and will result in a generation of potential loss.


And from there it spirals, downward – drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and so much more.


The challenges only grow, yet so does our resolve!


Other challenges include providing services for people with disabilities,
offering mental health therapy, resilience support, and therapy for trauma.


How do mayors provide for their residents, many of whom are spread out all over the country?
It’s such a problem but this is where our people – the philanthropic community can step in.


We can help, and we are.


Some answers may not be immediate but it’s also our job to help them think long term.
Their educational system MUST be better than it was on October 6.


They never had enough teachers, and their test scores were behind those of the rest of the country. I pushed them to think big.


“Bulldoze your current high schools and build a central big, beautiful campus for all the kids. Offer robotics, state-of-the-art engineering, English, etc.” They loved the idea and are working on a plan together and taking ownership of their future. Of course, we will be right by their side every step of the way.


Security is a huge issue and we talked about our Emergency Response Centers (ERCs) and putting more in the region. They all want it, and even offered to share between the communities—unheard of! Right now, we are building an ERC in Kiryat Shmona and one in Kfar Giladi, with more to come in the future. They cost about $1.5 million each.


They are thrilled to hear we’re building a medical center in Kiryat Shmona. We probably need to build 5 more across the region at a cost of about $10-15 million each. And I was informed that 90% of local businesses have stopped functioning, so I put them in touch with our Lauder Employment Center to help them sell their products, market themselves, and/or learn how to stay afloat. To date, we have helped over 157 businesses. We must help more!


In more positive news, I was also told by one Christian community: “no Christian organization has reached out to us to hear what we need; the Jewish community is great, and we thank you.”


Many mayors added that while they’ve had meetings with other organizations, they’ve always had to meet them in the center of the country.


We were the first to sit down with them where they live – in the North. We don’t ask people in the North or the South to meet us in Tel Aviv; we always go to them. As we parted, they thanked me. “What are you thanking me for?” I asked. “For giving us hope,” they said. “We believe in your “Reimagine plan” and we know you will be there for us.” Wow.

MAKOM Pioneers



It was such an honor and pleasure to get together with representatives from eight different MAKOM communities in Akko. A Jewish National Fund-USA affiliate for 16 years, it is a network of 18,000 volunteers who are strengthening the social fabric of Israel by empowering the most challenging communities in the North and the South from within. In the North they operate from Akko to Kiryat Shmona and everywhere in between.


They were doing this prior to October 7 and have doubled down since. These young people – Druze, Jews, Muslim, Right, Left, secular, and religious—are all working together in education, arts, social services, senior programming, after-school activities, you name it, to improve lives and make a difference. I learned so much from their spirit, hard work, dedication, experiences, and commitment. They truly made my day. Together, they are strengthening the work we must do for tomorrow.

The South



Things are happening down south in the Otef (Israel Envelope) communities along the border with Gaza. Since October 7:


1. Our 34,000-square-foot community center – the largest by far in the region – is under construction

2. A brand new synagogue

3. The Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Sports complex is out for bid

4. A renovated hydrotherapy pool

5. Eight emergency response centers planned in Phase 1 (seven more after that)

6. Two day care centers are under construction

7. Seven parks have been completed

8. The largest resilience center is under contract

9. A new Adam V’Adama High School with 100 9-12th graders is opening next week with students coming from all across Israel.

10. Mechinot for pre-army kids to volunteer in the region for a year

11. And, we are working with all the communities to build them back and move people back home including beginning to move Kibbutz Re'im back home


All this, and more is going on since October 7 and we are just getting started. We are helping the residents move back and breathe again.

Despite All This



In between the rocket attacks in the North, construction on our Galilee Culinary Institute by JNF (GCI by JNF) is moving along. We already have students enrolled for our first year. In the meantime, we are developing partnerships with people across Israel’s North, working on our GCI by JNF website and our curriculum and still actively recruiting. We are so looking forward to our opening day and will keep you informed. Stay tuned!




This September marks 23 years since 9/11. We built a Living Memorial in the foothills of Jerusalem that is the only place outside of the U.S. that lists the names of all those who were killed that day. Each year, on 9/11, we hold a ceremony that pays tribute to the victims and the shared values and common destiny shared by the U.S. and Israel. It will be livestreamed, so stay tuned for details.


We also deliver 9/11 certificates to fire stations, police stations, school and synagogue security teams, thanking them for their efforts, and this year we are holding 9/11 events on 34 college campuses across the country, in partnership with Students Supporting Israel open to all but giving Jewish students a positive experience at the start of their year. The picture above is being made into a 10 x 20 foot banner that will serve as the backdrop for these events taking place in the middle of the quads.

October 7 Commemoration



It is unfathomable that nearly a year has passed since that horrific day. The war rages on and hostages remain captive. To commemorate, we designed a new Tree Certificate to honor the memories of those who were murdered on October 7, 2023, and those who died since — heroes every one. The certificate depicts a tree and its leaves comprise the names of the Israeli communities impacted. By personalizing this certificate with a name from our list of fallen civilians and IDF soldiers, you create an eternal tribute to their memory and legacy.


You can proudly hang this certificate in your office or home, sharing the inspiring story of heroism, determination, and resilience.


It is available as a package with a memorial candle, which you can light along with us on our livestreamed event from Kibbutz Re’im in the Israel Envelope on October 7 at 11 am ET; 8 am PT. Our solidarity mission will be there and will be holding this event with members of the affected communities.


So, order your package at, light your candle and post this image on social media. Never let the world forget, never let those lives be forgotten. We believe in life. Am Yisrael Chai – The People of Israel Live.

October 7 We Choose Life Solidarity Mission



There is still room to join us for our Solidarity Mission October 6-9, 2024 as we mark a year since the October 7 massacre.
Mission Highlights include:


• Standing in solidarity with the land and the people of Israel

• Gathering at Hostage Square in Tel Aviv to show support for the hostage families and loved ones

• Meeting with residents of Israel’s communities on the border with Gaza, hear their stories of pain, courage, and hope, and joining together with them for a commemorative event

• Visiting with residents of Israel’s northern communities who remain evacuated a year later

• Meeting with Israelis, soldiers, survivors, and influential figures to hear firsthand about their personal experiences

• Re-imagining the future and joining in a discussion about Jewish National Fund-USA's plan to continue to re-build communities in the north and south


You can register at



Oh, and if you haven’t registered for our Global Conference for Israel, what are you waiting for? It is shaping up to be THE place for Zionists to be. Register at


Thank you for all you do for the land and people of Israel. Please reach out to me with comments, ideas, and suggestions at


Am Yisrael Chai – The People of Israel Live!

Russell F. Robinson