For Israel, With Love

A Lifelong Connection to Our Jewish Homeland

Campaign All Star Mara Ginsberg

Jennifer Korn

Mara Ginsberg
Mara Ginsberg
June 17, 2024 | Summer 2024 |
Campaign All-Star

Mara Ginsberg credits her maternal grandmother for instilling in her a strong sense of connection to the Jewish homeland from a very early age.

“I can’t get off the plane without crying because you feel like you’re home,” said Mara, reflecting on the feeling she has upon landing in Israel. “The more you see, the more you love it, and the more you want to help make it even better.”

A decade ago, when Mara visited Israel for the first time with her husband, she saw Jewish National Fund-USA logos “everywhere” which reminded her of her grandmother and the trees which she had planted with love. In that moment, she knew that it was time to get more involved. Jewish National Fund-USA’s Executive Director New England and the Capital District Sara Hefez described Mara’s leadership as inspirational: “From the moment I spoke to Mara after her first trip to Israel it was clear she was a leader. Every event, campaign, and initiative she has worked on has been better because of her involvement.”

For the past ten years, the retired attorney from upstate New York has taken on impactful work in the organization and significant leadership roles, including regional president of the board of directors in New York’s Capital Region and member of the National Women for Israel Executive Board. She currently serves as chair of the National Major Gifts Committee, a position she says has given her the chance to connect directly with fellow donors.

Under her leadership, the National Major Gifts Committee continues to prioritize building personal connections with fellow donors and creating a deeper sense of community. “Sometimes you’re leaving a message, and others you’re having a half-hour conversation with someone you’ve never met before,’” Mara shared, explaining that expressing gratitude directly has been a focus for her. “It’s important to thank people and help them feel connected.”

Through various trips, Mara has traveled the country north to south including visiting the tourist information center in Akko in 2016 and bonding with students at Jewish National Fund-USA’s agricultural training center for overseas students in the Arava.

One special event Mara holds close to her heart is a concert she and her husband sponsored at the Akko tourism center in 2023. Held in memory of Mara’s late sister, musician Debra Ginsberg, the concert featured music from both Israeli and Arab artists, enjoyed by over 100 attendees.

Mara is also the founder and President Emeritus of  “To Life!” which provides support and education for those affected by breast cancer in the Capital Region.  A breast cancer survivor herself, Mara founded the organization after leaving her role with the New York State Attorney General.

Looking forward, Mara feels confident.

“Our hope is that things are going to look not just as good as they were before, but even better,” said Mara. “Israel grows stronger because of all the amazing work Jewish National Fund-USA does with the people and for the people in our homeland.”

“It’s not going to happen in one day. It’s not going to happen in one year,” she said. “But through the proper vision, we will prevail. I have faith.”

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