Trees For Israel

There is no easier way of earning money for your Congregation or Organization. All you need to do is place a Jewish National Fund-USA trackable banner ad (provided by JNF-USA) on your website and watch your commissions come in. Every time your visitors come to your site, click the link to us through our provided banner ad and purchase any of our Tree Certificates, you will earn 20% of that sale.

Register for our affiliate program and to read and sign the terms and conditions of the JNF-USA Affiliate Program. (link to Enrollment Application)

1) What is the JNF-USA Affiliate Program?
The JNF-USA Affiliate Program is a fast and easy way to add e-commerce to your website. Each sale generated through the JNF-USA trackable banner link on your site will generate a 20% commission for your organization or affiliation.

2) What's in it for my site, my visitors, and me?
Earn commission on planting trees in Israel! Enjoy prompt payment, public relations opportunities and affiliation with the most recognizable environmental Jewish nonprofit organization. All this will be available to you as an affiliate.

3) Does it cost me anything to become an affiliate?
No. It is absolutely free to join our Affiliate Program.

4) Will you provide me with banners and graphics to use for my site?
We will provide you with all the needed banners, graphics, text links, and marketing support. Once you join, we will provide you various choices of banners to place on your site.

5) How do I know what commissions I've earned?
You will receive a quarterly status report should your account generate commissions in any given quarter.

6) When and how do I get paid?
JNF-USA will pay you or cause you to be paid, on a quarterly cycle should your commissions reach $100 or more in accordance with the above mentioned commission structure. The check will be for the applicable commission (less any taxes required to be withheld pursuant to applicable law). For any quarter in which your commissions do not exceed $100, then Jewish National Fund-USA shall have the option to pay some or to withhold such payment and add such commissions to the next quarter for which you are entitled to receive a commission check. All checks will be mailed to the billing contact you input on the affiliate application. 

7) What products count for commission?
Currently this program includes all our Tree Certificates. Which can be found at jnf.org/tree

8) Can international sites participate?
Yes, international sites can participate.

9) I have more than one URL; can I register each of them?
You may register more than one URL as long as they are different websites and not multiple URLs of the same one.

10) How should I design my web site?
You are free to design your site and promotion as you see fit, as long as it does not violate our Affiliate Agreement.

11) Can I use content from JNF.org on my site? 
You can contact Eli Taylor, Director, JNF-USA Products at etaylor@jnf.org regarding specific content that you would like to use. We will need to approve the use of the content and placement prior to its use.

12) Where do I find the affiliate partner contract? 
You can find the affiliate partner contract here.