Dear JNF Campaign Leaders:


We are at more than $512 million toward our $1 billion goal and need to raise an additional $20 million by September 30 to reach our 2018 goal.

Summer is almost here, and in addition to our $7million@70 campaign, plans are underway for the annual Summer Blitz where more than a dozen national lay leaders will travel the country working with our local boards to tell the JNF story and speak with prospects to support our annual campaign. Already assignments are being made and dates for visits are being finalized. Please work with your local fundraiser and help make good appointments for our lay leaders who will take the time from their personal and professional lives to do the important work of Jewish National Fund.
Here is a brief article from Chronicle of Philanthropy with great tips on asking for major gifts, 4 Ways to Ask Major Donor for Big Gifts. It is a valuable reminder that we should be “donor-centric.” When soliciting for big gifts listening to the prospect is equally important as the information we are sharing.  Our pitch should focus on the impact JNF is making, and when it comes to significant major gift asks, it most likely will take time and more than one meeting.

The annual Campaign Planning Summit is August 12 and 13 at the Ronald S. Lauder JNF House, 42 East 69th Street, New York.
On Sunday, August 12 we will provide light lunch and time to mingle at 11:00 am and the meeting will begin promptly at 12 noon.  On Monday we will begin our day at 8:30 am and all participants are invited to attend the national Board of Directors meeting from 1:00 – 3:00 pm.  We are planning a special cocktail reception early Sunday evening with entertainment by the Israel Scouts Caravan and remarks by the esteemed Ambassador Danny Dayan, Israel’s Counsel General.
Our agenda for the two day Campaign Summit is under development, however, we plan to focus on many of these issues:

  • Helping communities use data to evaluate and develop local campaign strategies
  • Using Social Media to educate and inspire the market place
  • JNF branded events to project the strength and prestige of JNF USA
  • How to grow our donor base from 6,000 donors at $1,000 or more to 10,000
  • Asking for money can be intimidating…. Ten ideas you can put into practice today to help JNF reach our $1 Billion goal

In addition, you will be among the first to see our suite of 2019 marketing materials
To register for the Campaign Planning Summit, click here: CampaignSummit
 We have procured a room block at the Loews Regency Hotel, 540 Park Avenue (at 61st street).
The Hotel information is
Loews Regency Hotel
Reservations can be made by calling the Loews Reservation Center phone #:  1-800-233-2356 and referencing Jewish National Fund
OR by going to https://www.loewshotels.com/regency-hotel/jewish-national-fund until August 1, 2018.

Shabbat Shalom from Israel!





Bruce K. Gould
President Elect and Vice President, Campaign

D’Var Torah

By Yossi Kahana

Last week, we spoke about a journey the Jewish people took from the mindset of slavery to becoming a free people ready to enter into an eternal covenant with G-d with the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai.

This week, at the beginning of the Torah reading of parashat Naso, the Torah describes the tasks of the Levites during the period of traveling in the desert. Before each journey the Sanctuary would be dismantled by the Levites and then they would transport its various sections: the curtains, beams of cedar wood, and so on, until they reached the next stopping place. Then they would again set up the Sanctuary, while the rest of the Jewish people pitched their camp around it.

It is interesting to think that for thousands of years we have been reading again and again the account of this journey in the wilderness. This helps us understand our own task in life.

The Sages tell us that the purpose of creation is that G‑d should be revealed and "dwell" in this physical world. But this idea contains a difficulty.

The idea that G‑d is revealed in a higher, spiritual world, in Heaven, is not difficult. A spiritual realm is by definition transparent to G‑dliness. It shines with G‑d's holy radiance. But the statement that G‑d should be revealed in the physical world in which we live is quite strange. For a start, our world seems to be opaque to G‑dliness. Many people live in the world and do not think about G‑d at all. Unfortunate or tragic things sometimes take place, and a person might wonder: why did G‑d let this happen? All this means that in our world, G‑d is usually hidden.

The purpose of Creation is that instead of being hidden, G‑d should be revealed: here in this physical world, a world not of angels but of human beings, cars, shops and computers.

Now, let us go a step further. In order for G‑d to be revealed in our world, something has to happen first. The world has to be changed in some subtle way, so that instead of hiding G‑d it will reveal Him.

Who has to achieve this change in existence? Yes, you have guessed right. We, the Jewish people, have to change the world. We have to prepare it so that it will be a "dwelling" for G‑d.

The Sages tell us that this is the inner story of the Torah, all the way through. The Torah describes how we get into very difficult situations and then, by living through those situations in a Jewish way, we actually have an effect on existence as a whole. This was the meaning in our slavery in Egypt; it is also the significance of the long journey through the desert.

Traveling through the empty desert, and setting up the Sanctuary at every place where we stopped, was a way of preparing the world as a whole to receive the ultimate Sanctuary, the Temple in Jerusalem. Now, thousands of years later, Jewish National Fund continues our journey through the world. During our long exile JNF has re-established our ancestral Jewish homeland in modern Israel and, together, with our partners we are making the world a better place so the whole world will be filled with the Glory of G‑d.

Shabbat Shalom,


Jewish National Fund’s Alexander Muss High School in Israel

In addition to celebrating Shavuot off campus with family and friends of the school, Alexander Muss High School in Israel students planted trees in Israel this week! They went to Jewish National Fund’s tree planting center, Neot Kedumim, and contributed first-hand to our legacy of planting more than 250 million trees in the land of Israel.

Travel & Tours

The Canadian & American Active Retirees in Israel (CAARI) trip is a rewarding volunteer experience in Israel for those over the age of 50. There are two to six week options available – check them out here!

Updates from Israel

Chef's Course Underway!

Jewish National Fund is thrilled to announce the official opening of partner Eretz Ir’s chef training program for young adults at risk in the Negev. Out of 200 applicants, 14 were chosen to participate in an intensive 300-hour training course together with personal mentoring and a paid, year-long job placement. Head chefs from top restaurants and hotels where the participants will work inspired everyone at the program opening

Fighting Fires

This past Friday, just before Shabbat, an IDF army patrol was riding through the forest opposite the community of Gevaot in Gush Etzion, when he noticed that two fires had been started by arsonists 30 meters apart. The army called the head of security in Gevaot, who immediately sprang into action with his fire wagon attached to his security vehicle. He arrived at the site and within minutes was successful is putting out both fires, thus preventing what could have been a major forest fire and disaster.

“Preservation by Hand”

On Wednesday, Jewish National Fund partner Society for the Preservation of Israel Heritage Sites, together with the Israel Antiquities Authority and several other preservation experts, held the “Preservation by Hand” event at the Mikveh Israel Heritage site. The event focused on the preservation and restoration of historic buildings, and the importance of learning through hands-on activities. More than 250 visitors, including students, families and senior citizens, came to Mikveh to participate in a myriad of preservation workshops, such as wall painting, ceramics, stained glass, stone cutting, brick laying, and much more. It was a great day filled with fun, learning, cooperation and collaboration.

Special in the IDF

Hila Meudah became the IDF’s first blind officer. Hila, who lost her eyesight as a child, was exempt from army duty but insisted on serving. Because of Jewish National Fund partner Special in Uniform, she is able to serve at the Military Advocate General as a legal advisor to the Israel Air Force. She is an inspiration to many youngsters like her to join the Army.

Protecting the Land

As burning kites from Gaza have terrorized farmers and burned hundreds of acres of land, Jewish National Fund partner HaShomer HaChadash has been lending a helping hand with its Post Army Program Ma'ahal V'migdal volunteers. These young men and women wake up every morning and work the land surrounding the Gaza border, protecting the land and giving hope to the exhausted and terror stricken farmers of the region. The duty of protecting the land of Israel and its borders doesn’t finish when you discharge from the army, and Ma'ahal V'migdal participants are an amazing example of that Ideal. We salute them!