JNF Boruchin Center Seeks to Deepen America’s Connection to Israel

New York, NY: December 10, 2020 – In June 2015, Jewish National Fund-USA announced the creation of the $100 million JNF Boruchin Center, designed to empower new and innovative initiatives in the Jewish world. The Center, administered within Jewish National Fund-USA (JNF-USA) by a committee of JNF-USA partners (donors), was created from an estate gift generously given by the late John and Dora Boruchin of California.


The JNF Boruchin Center’s stated mission is to “strengthen the lifelong connection of all Americans, and in particular young Jewish Americans, to the land and people of Israel through innovative and inspiring programming.”


Letters of inquiry (LOIs) from registered 501(c)(3) entities seeking to make an impact that aligns with the mission of the JNF Boruchin Center are currently being accepted through February 15, 2021. The Center will subsequently invite selected organizations to submit full grant applications by May 17, 2021. While LOIs that focus on teens are of particular interest to the Center, applications of a broader nature that connect Americans to the land and people of Israel will also be considered. Applicants should propose project budgets exceeding $100,000 per annum. 


Heroes to Heroes

The JNF Boruchin Center supports innovative projects that connect Americans with the land and people of Israel


“The JNF Boruchin Center continues to play a leading role in maintaining and promoting the historic connection between the American and Israeli people,” said JNF Boruchin Center Chairman, Mike Lederman. “As we seek LOIs for our 2021-22 grant cycle, we look forward to broadening and deepening our impact by funding innovative projects that bring our community’s next generation of leaders and changemakers together in support of the land and people of Israel.”


Current external grant awardees include the Israel on Campus Coalition ($500,000), Heroes to Heroes ($400,000), Jewish Interactive ($125,000) and Yavneh ($95,000). An additional $1,450,000 in grant funding has been disbursed to various JNF-related projects.


Jewish National Fund-USA is the leading philanthropic organization for Israel that supports critical environmental and nation-building activities in Israel’s north and south. Through its One Billion Dollar Roadmap for the Next Decade, Jewish National Fund-USA is developing new communities in the Galilee and Negev, connecting the next generation to Israel, and creating infrastructure and programs that support ecology, individuals with special needs, and heritage site preservation.


Prospective applicants can visit the JNF Boruchin website here or contact Rachel Adams at radams@jnf.org or 212.879.9305 x249.




Media Contact:

Stefan Oberman, Jewish National Fund-USA Director of Communications.

E: soberman@jnf.org.

P: 212.879.9305 x222