Gotlib Jewish Academy Students Honor School Military Veteran on 23rd Anniversary of 9/11


MAITLAND, Fla., September 12, 2024 —In recognition of the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, Jewish National Fund-USA partnered with Gotlib Jewish Academy to host a special ceremony to educate the next generation about the terrorist attacks that forever changed our nation, while reaffirming the shared values cherished by the people of the United States and Israel.


Honoree Michael Hughes (in blue) with students


The school’s IT Director, Michael Hughes, a veteran of the United States Marine Corps., was honored for his bravery and dedicated service to our nation and the school community. At the ceremony, Hughes was presented with a plaque featuring Jewish National Fund-USA and KKL-JNF’s 9/11 Living Memorial in Jerusalem—the only commemorative site of its type outside of the U.S. that lists all the names of those who perished on 9/11.


“Twenty-three years ago, terrorists attacked the United States, murdering thousands of innocent victims, and the country was forever changed,” said Harrison Shames, Jewish National Fund-USA’s Director, Orlando. “We will always remember the tragedy but will also never forget the heroes who emerged, both civilians and those whose life’s work was helping others. Established in 2009, the monument pictured in the photograph presented to our honoree Michael Hughes — an American flag waving and transforming into a flame of liberty and hope with a base that includes a piece of metal from the ruins of the Twin Towers — is a testament to the deep connection between the State of Israel and the U.S., and our countries’ shared values of peace, religious tolerance, democracy, freedom, resilience, and fighting terrorism.”


JNF-USA Director, Orlando, Harrison Shames and Honoree Michael Hughes


“We are incredibly proud to honor Michael Hughes, not only for his dedicated service to our school community but also for his brave and selfless service to our country as a United States Marine,” added Chana Ben-Abraham, Head of School. “Michael exemplifies the values we strive to instill in our students every day—courage, commitment, and a deep sense of responsibility to others. As we reflect on the events of 9/11, we are reminded of the importance of honoring those who serve and protect, and we are grateful to have Michael as both a role model and a hero within our Gotlib Jewish Academy family."


Jewish National Fund-USA also hosted its annual 9/11 commemoration ceremony at the 9/11 Living Memorial in Jerusalem, which was attended by U.S. Marines, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, Israeli firefighters, American police officers, and diplomats, as well as American students from Alexander Muss High School in Israel, Young Judea, new American immigrants to Israel, and Israelis from communities bordering Gaza and Lebanon.


For more information, contact Harrison Shames at 407-804-5568 x896 or





Media Contact:

Jennifer Milton

561-447-9733 x875


About Jewish National Fund-USA

Jewish National Fund-USA builds a strong, vibrant future for the land and people of Israel through bold initiatives and Zionist education. As a leading philanthropic movement, the organization supports critical environmental and nation-building activities in Israel’s north and south as it develops new communities in the Negev and Galilee, connects the next generation to Israel, and creates infrastructure and programs that support ecology, people with disabilities, and heritage site preservation, all while running a fully accredited study abroad experience through its Alexander Muss High School in Israel. Learn more at