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Robert F. Sylk

Palm Springs Chairman of the Board


Robert F. Sylk is a recipient of the prestigious JNF Tree of LifeTM Award, given in recognition of community leaders who support promoting peace within Israel. “Tree of Life” is an appropriate metaphor for Sylk and his family. Sylk’s father was one of the true pillars of strength behind the formation of the State of Israel, and the person responsible for purchasing the boat “Exodus 1947” that was memorialized in the book and movie. Where his father helped to create the land of Israel, Sylk helped nourish it with water. He was instrumental in constructing one of Israel’s largest $50 million reservoirs that improved the irrigation of the Galilee and served as the main part of the treaty between Israel and Jordan. A former Marina del Rey resident, Sylk currently resides in the desert, where he plays golf, yet does not neglect his true passions: JNF and helping others.