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Zeev Preferred

Zeev Ben-Shachar

Travels from Israel


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For over a decade, Zeev Ben-Shachar has been a keynote speaker on Israel in conferences, Jewish communities, and college campuses around the world. He previously served as Director of Israel Education at Jerusalem U. Zeev publishes articles in international papers, and appears regularly on television and radio networks. He has a BA from Harvard and an MA in Middle Eastern Studies from Tel Aviv University. Zeev is also a spinning instructor and personal fitness trainer in Jerusalem. He has combined his passions in a “Spinning through Israel” session, in which he takes students on a virtual cinematic tour of Israel while both teacher and class are pedaling on their spinning bikes.


  • JNF Action Areas

  • Arts & Culture

  • US-Israel Relations

  • Positively Israel & College Campuses

  • Middle Eastern Relations

Popular Speeches

1948 and the Palenstinian Narrative
The Terminology Debate: Israel Education, Advocacy, Engagement or Public Diplomacy?
The BDS Movement
Israel Beyond the Conflict: Innovation, Creativity and Improving the World

Prepared introduction download here