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Joel Spalter

Dr. Joel Spalter

Vice President, Small Communities


Joel Spalter, M.D. (Fayetteville, AR), spent 23 years in the practice of internal medicine and infectious disease in Florida. Before his recent retirement he had taught those subjects for 15 years in Florida and in Arkansas, where he and his wife Irene moved to be geographically nearer to most of their children and grandchildren. All that has gone before was the prelude to the spiritual proximity to children and grandchildren emanating from involvement with Israel. Each child and grandchild has been to Israel multiple times on family trips, Birthright, High School in Israel, Ramah, and summer internships. Son David is on JNF’s Orlando board. A member of Makor, Joel and Irene are both members of the Arava, and Housing Development Fund Task Forces, and the Negev Society and Century Council. He also serves as Co-President of JNF’s Southwest board.